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The Norton Anthology of English Literature (D): Romantic Period, 11ed.

The Norton Anthology of English Literature (D): Romantic Period, 11ed.
Greenblatt, Stephen

  • Editoriala
    W W Norton & Co Ltd
  • Gaia Literatura-Antología
  • Bilduma UNED
  • EAN 9781324062677
  • Idioma Inglés
  • State Disponible
  • Lotura Rústica
  • Orrialdeak 1168
  • Neurria 236x155x23 mm.
  • Weight 791
Tax included 49,70€


From the Middle Ages to the twenty-first century, The Norton Anthology of English Literature, Eleventh Edition, showcases exciting new authors, works, and textual clusters that demonstrate the relevance of literature to contemporary students and trace the creative arc that has yielded the ever-changing and ever-fascinating body of material called English literature. This anthology offers the experience of literature as part of the world—not apart from it. It is also now available in ebook format for the complete anthology. The Norton Ebook Reader platform provides an active reading environment that equips students with tools for placing works within their social and historical contexts.

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