Liburuaren datuak

A tale of a chair

A tale of a chair
López-Lago, Samuel

  • Editoriala
    Editorial Experimenta
  • Gaia Literatura-Infantil-Juvenil
  • EAN 9788419555137
  • Idioma Inglés
  • State Disponible
  • Lotura Rústica
  • Orrialdeak 60
  • Neurria 250x200x0 mm.
  • Release date: 17/10/2024
Tax included 21,00€


A chair tells its story, which is the story of all chairs. And in its narrative, it o ers young readers a journey through those designs and designers who have bequeathed us iconic pieces that are part of our culture. But it is not just a journey through the history of this everyday object: it is a reminder for boys and girls that the essence of who you are is the most important thing and that diversity is a fundamental value. Includes color poster (36×47 cm).

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