Liburuaren datuak

The Religions Book

The Religions Book
Jones, Gareth

  • Editoriala
    DK Publishing
  • Gaia Religiones-Ensayos/Varios
  • EAN 9781465408433
  • Idioma Inglés
  • State Disponible
  • Lotura Tapa dura
  • Orrialdeak 352
  • Neurria 240x200x28 mm.
  • Weight 1170
Tax included 32,50€


Examines "more than 100 of the most important theological ideas, from those bound up in the earliest cultures to others that have emerged in the last few hundred years, along with all of the main tenets of the worlds major faiths ... [considering] key issues such as the problem of defining good and evil and the afterlife ... and the nature of God"

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