"Adichie, Borges, Carver, Cheever, Danticat, DeLillo, Diaz, Erdrich, Gaitskill, Lahiri, Moore, Munro, Murakami, Nabokov, O'Hara, Paley, Rushdie, Saunders, Sontag, Trevor, Updike, Welty, Wolff. There is simply no A-Z like the alphabet of fiction writers who have appeared in the pages of The New Yorker in the last hundred years. [This] book boasts inarguable classics like Salinger's 'A Perfect Day for Bananafish,' Annie Proulx's 'Brokeback Mountain,' and Shirley Jackson's 'The Lottery,' alongside stunners to be rediscovered. Some stories defined a moment or a now lost world (Isaac Bashevis Singer's '"The Cafeteria'); others showed us a whole new way fiction could sound and feel ('The Red Girl,' by Jamaica Kincaid). With this vivid selection, Treisman showcases how our fiction has changed over time, and reminds us that past literary fashions continue to ripple outward in the fiction we love today"